Registering for the First Time

Public Safety and Health organizations must register before generating Public Safety and Health Foreclosure Sale reports. After that, you can log in at any time to generate reports.

Note: Outside government agencies seeking access to the Public Safety and Health Report should call 617-956-1557.

To register for the first time

  1. Go to the Division of Bank’s website (

  2. Click the Public Safety and Health User Registration link. The Public Safety and Health User Registration page displays.

  1. Enter the following:

  1. Click Submit. The Conformation page displays.

  2. Review the information you have entered.

  3. Attest the registration information is accurate, that you have authorization to submit the registration, and electronically sign the document by:

  1. Entering your first name. *

  2. Entering your middle initial.

  3. Entering your last name. *

  4. Entering the date. *

  5. Selecting the attestation check box. *

  6. Clicking the Commit button to complete the conformation.


Click Back to make more changes.

An email will be sent to you confirming your registration. It will also include your user name for logging in.

Note: A red asterisk (*) next to a field means information must be entered.

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